Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Intro

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Life after Insanity.

My name is Richard "Dick" Jester. I'm a reformed hippie, spending his days working for a large Corporate American entity. For security purposes, I cannot reveal the name of the Company because I'm ashamed. Some could call me a sell-out, but unless you live in a commune in California, being a tree-hugging hippie just doesn't pay the bills.

.......So you're probably wondering why I chose the title "Life After Insanity" for this blog. For one, its a song by one of my favorite bands, Gov't Mule. My undergraduate career at Penn State University could best be described as insanity. For 4.5 years I was the un-stereotypical frat boy. I drank, I partied, I lived the life of the american college student. I got f*cked up damn near every night, tortured fraternity pledges, pulled all nighters, pulled one-nighters and came out of it with a 3.0 GPA, a shiny piece of paper, no job offers and a mountain of college debt. What a lack of climax huh? (that's what she said!)
As a student, studying English as Penn State, I'd never thought I'd wind up wailing away the 9-5 hours and a cubicle at a large investment bank. I never thought I'd be working in IT, as English is considerably far away from Computer Science in the college catalogue....... but here I am!

The most disturbing and rather melancholy fact is that I'm 26 years old and I'm still living with Mom and Dad. The choice to go to graduate school and get a master's degree, has left me with an massive amount of student debt, making it more and more difficult to move out.

Although I'm still living at home, I did manage to find a girl to take pity on me and venture into the unknown by falling in love with me. That was 2 years ago and Katie is still putting up with me. I'm a nerdy, eccentric, anime and video game nerd turned hippie turned geek. I love her with all my heart. She's an outspoken, beautiful girl that makes me laugh and smile everyday. She's kind, caring, sexy and fun. She loves all (cute) animals and has a fetish for pugs and ducks.If she keeps putting up with me, then one day we might have to get married. Katie and I are hoping to move-in together this Fall.

What else I can I say? I spend my days in a cubicle and my nights with her, or playing video games, or watching anime, or playing "cards" with my friends. I'm also really into music, going to concerts, and festivals. I've been known to make DECENT beer on occasion, and I have a soft spot, for sweet n sexy red wine. So be prepared for wine and beer reviews as well.

Anyway, that's my life. If you're interested, stay tuned, this blog will follow my life and adventures. I'll review anything that comes my way. By continuing with this blog, it'll hopefully give me some much needed writing practice and provide the spark to start writing professionally again.

Stay tuned to my next broadcast.

Coming up this week.................

- A recap of Otakon 2009- An annual anime and video game convention in Baltimore, MD
- Review of the Green Day concert at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA.
- Review of the MOE concert at the Grand Opera House in Baltimore, MD

Until next time.......

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive."- Van Wilder

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