Friday, July 24, 2009

OTAKUEST 2009- Part 1

It was 6:30 in the morning when I began my journey. After traveling for many minutes (about 60) I arrived in scenic Baltimore Maryland. After battling some poorly labeled interstate exits (and losing), I finally arrived at the Baltimore Convention Center (BCC). As I drove past the massive structure, I could already see people lining up for the Walk-In Registration. Gloom began to sweep over me. After careful inspection of the surrounding area, I finally found shelter for my trusty steed (my 2005 Saturn Vue) at the Sheraton Inn, After the innkeeper extorted $20 was from me to watch my steed for the day, I left my transportation to head over to the BCC for Registration.

Registration was supposed to begin at 8:30…….. That didn’t happen. It was almost 9:30 by the time I got inside the building and got to the real registration lines. I love Otakon because no matter who are, you’re always the cool kid. Everyone at Otakon is the cook kid. While standing in line, I watched all the people and strange creatures traversing the conference center. I saw some really great costumes, I saw some ok costumes and I saw some vomit-inducing depictions of grown men as Sailor Moon that would the strongest sailor lose his lunch……but I regained my composure and continued on my way.

After registering I went through my goodies bag, which contained some swag for upcoming anime, the convention program and a pocket guide for the con. After pulling out the pocket guide, I placed the rest of the item inside my pack and made my way to the Hilton to attend the Funimation Industry Preview Panel. I got there around 10:00. I should have gotten in line at 9:00. The room was full and there was still a line outside the room. I felt impending doom was over my body.

The Funimation Industry Panel is one of the best industry panels at the Con because they give away really cool stuff and debut all the new IPs coming to states in the next year. Funimation is one of my favorite anime publishers. I tried to stand near the back of the room to watch the presentation on the giant video screen behind the presenters. Apparently I wasn’t allowed to do that. A gumby-esque individual in glasses ushered me to the back of the line. I got annoyed and walked away. I blamed the registration people and their poor time management for missing the first panel.

The next panel I wanted to see didn’t start until 11:45, so I had time to kill. I walked into the next conference room where an event was about to start. The upcoming event was a “fashion show.” I thought cool; I’ll get to see some really good cosplay. Oh man was I wrong. The panel was a Lolita fashion show for nerd girls. The designers appeared to be nothing more than nerds with a sewing machine and a website. They had designers showcasing off Lolita style Victorian dresses (YAWN TIMES 3!). I realized at that moment, that I chose a very poor strategic position to view the event. I was trapped. The sirens were parading up and down the “runway,” and I greatly feared the wrath of their awe-struct disciples. I feared I would be killed if I interrupted their motion capturing ritual. So like the crafty ninja I was, I carefully and covertly made my exit, barely escaping death.

I decided I would make the trek to the glorious and dangerous Dealer's Room. The Dealer’s Room at Otakon is nothing short of a divine experience for the anime geek. The dealer’s room is a convention hall the size of 2 or 3 football fields. Inside are various vendors and industry kiosks from North America and Japan. I had made up my mind before entering that I would not buy any DVDs (from previous quests to this mecca of consumer culture, I learned that DVDs are almost always cheaper online). I made the rounds at Otakon, exploring the various tables. Although I did not purchase any anime or manga, I did pick up a convention t-shirt (as is my custom). I also picked up a few peace offerings (cute little rubber ducks) for She Who Must Be Obeyed (SWMBO). I also picked up some battle supplies (i.e. some oversized dice to amaze and stun my opponents during Magic battles). Then I realized what time it was…….I quickly made my exit from the dealers room and made my way back upstairs for what would turn out to be the best panel of the day…………


……to be continued…….in the Legend of Otakon 2009…….PART TWO!

Setlist from Green Day

Here's the Green Day set list from the band's 2 1/2 hour show at the Spectrum on Tuesday night.
Song of the Century
21st Century Breakdown
Know Your Enemy
East Jesus Nowhere
The Static Age
Before the Lobotomy
Are We The Waiting
St. Jimmy
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Hitchin' A Ride
2000 Light Years Away
Welcome To Paradise
Brain Stew
Basket Case
She/King For A Day>Shout>Earth Angel>I'll Be There>Stand By Me
21 Guns
American Eulogy

Encore: American Idiot/Jesus Of Suburbia/Minority/Restless Heart Syndrome/Give Me Novocaine/Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)

As you can see.... We got our money's worth!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Green Day

While it's fresh in my mind, I thought it best to reflect on the event I attended last night. My friends Jenna and PJ accompanied Katie and I to Philadelphia, PA to see Green Day perform at the spectrum. After sitting in traffic for 2 and 1.2 hours of crawling torment, we finally got to the stadium at 7:15. We tailgated in the parking lot till about 8:15 then went inside the Wachovia Spectrum.

Our seats (as planned) turned out to be fantastic. 2nd level right in front the stage. We had a perfect view of the stage (I'm still dreading the fact that I left my camera in the car). Around 9pm a giant pick bunny came on stage and after falling his way through a hilarious interpretation of YMCA, the lights went dim and the band burst on stage singing 21st Century breakdown, the title track from their most album. The light show kicked ass, completed with a giant video screen behind the band and enough pyrotechnics to make 4th of July look like a bottle rocket.

For almost 3 straight hours...... the band played. All the hit tracks from American Idiot like "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," "American Idiot," and "Holiday."

They must have brought at least 6 fans on stage throughout the concert. Some to interact with band, some to sing, and one guy even played guitar on "jesus of surburbia." The fans at the Spectrum totally got what they paid for. I've been to a lot of concerts and I've never seen a band play so hard for so long.

Billie Joe has got to be one of the greatest entertainers in the world. He has a stage presence comparable to Bruce Springsteen or the late Michael Jackson. He energy seemed to have no end. Even after playing a 3 song encore. Billlie Joe came onstage by himself and playing acoustic version of "Time of Your Life." I can't think of any way better to end the show .

As Katie said as we were leaving "That's probably the best concert I've ever been to....."

I have to agree with her.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Intro

Hello everyone, and welcome to my Life after Insanity.

My name is Richard "Dick" Jester. I'm a reformed hippie, spending his days working for a large Corporate American entity. For security purposes, I cannot reveal the name of the Company because I'm ashamed. Some could call me a sell-out, but unless you live in a commune in California, being a tree-hugging hippie just doesn't pay the bills.

.......So you're probably wondering why I chose the title "Life After Insanity" for this blog. For one, its a song by one of my favorite bands, Gov't Mule. My undergraduate career at Penn State University could best be described as insanity. For 4.5 years I was the un-stereotypical frat boy. I drank, I partied, I lived the life of the american college student. I got f*cked up damn near every night, tortured fraternity pledges, pulled all nighters, pulled one-nighters and came out of it with a 3.0 GPA, a shiny piece of paper, no job offers and a mountain of college debt. What a lack of climax huh? (that's what she said!)
As a student, studying English as Penn State, I'd never thought I'd wind up wailing away the 9-5 hours and a cubicle at a large investment bank. I never thought I'd be working in IT, as English is considerably far away from Computer Science in the college catalogue....... but here I am!

The most disturbing and rather melancholy fact is that I'm 26 years old and I'm still living with Mom and Dad. The choice to go to graduate school and get a master's degree, has left me with an massive amount of student debt, making it more and more difficult to move out.

Although I'm still living at home, I did manage to find a girl to take pity on me and venture into the unknown by falling in love with me. That was 2 years ago and Katie is still putting up with me. I'm a nerdy, eccentric, anime and video game nerd turned hippie turned geek. I love her with all my heart. She's an outspoken, beautiful girl that makes me laugh and smile everyday. She's kind, caring, sexy and fun. She loves all (cute) animals and has a fetish for pugs and ducks.If she keeps putting up with me, then one day we might have to get married. Katie and I are hoping to move-in together this Fall.

What else I can I say? I spend my days in a cubicle and my nights with her, or playing video games, or watching anime, or playing "cards" with my friends. I'm also really into music, going to concerts, and festivals. I've been known to make DECENT beer on occasion, and I have a soft spot, for sweet n sexy red wine. So be prepared for wine and beer reviews as well.

Anyway, that's my life. If you're interested, stay tuned, this blog will follow my life and adventures. I'll review anything that comes my way. By continuing with this blog, it'll hopefully give me some much needed writing practice and provide the spark to start writing professionally again.

Stay tuned to my next broadcast.

Coming up this week.................

- A recap of Otakon 2009- An annual anime and video game convention in Baltimore, MD
- Review of the Green Day concert at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA.
- Review of the MOE concert at the Grand Opera House in Baltimore, MD

Until next time.......

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive."- Van Wilder